The College

Brown Semester Internship Program - The Student Experience

Kevin Rapp - BSIP in Berlin

Why did you choose to participate in a Brown Semester Internship Program?
I chose to participate in this program because I am completing the intercultural competence certificate, and this was an opportunity to fulfill the experiential learning component of the certificate. I also lived in Germany for four years when I was younger through my dad's work, and this program was an opportunity to reconnect with German culture and my roots.

What did you like most about your internship?
I liked the openness of the program layout and requirements compared to traditional study abroad programs. There was much more flexibility to define how I interacted with Berlin. I was working 20 hours between Monday and Thursday (I chose how I divided up this time), and taking two Zoom classes. Because of this, I had more spontaneous experiences and unexpected and rewarding moments.

How did the experience shape what you have done since or will do next?
I interned at a research lab at a university in Berlin, and I am now applying to complete a Fulbright after graduating, conducting research with an advisor who worked in the building I initially interned at. I also explored a research area that I was curious to see if I wanted to continue (I discovered I did not want to continue it).

How did your host city impact your overall experience?
My host city was perfect. Berlin was perfect. I've returned once already and I have plane tickets booked for another return. The program housing placed me in the middle of the city, five minutes away from great places and night life areas that are considered hidden gems by the locals ("Koti", short for Kotbusser Tor). I wouldn't have changed a thing.

Kevin Rapp BSIP in Berlin  Fall 2024

Kevin Rapp
BSIP in Berlin 
Fall 2024

Ellie Morvatz - Brown in Washington          Fall 2023
Ellie Morvatz
Brown in Washington
Fall 2023

Ellie Morvatz - Brown in Washington

Why did you choose to participate in a Brown Semester Internship Program?
I have always loved DC and wanted to experience what it would be like to live there full time post grad! Plus, living and working in the heart of the country was the perfect complement to my Political Science degree. I knew even before committing to Brown in high school that I was interested in the Brown in Washington program and I'm so glad I ended up pursuing it.

What did you like most about your internship?
I worked for an international nonprofit and it was so cool to see how they functioned on the inside and on a day-to-day level. I learned so much about the world, was exposed to different perspectives, and got to meet and speak with people doing amazing, impactful work all over the world.

How did the experience shape what you have done since or will do next?
The experience, both the physical location and my workplace, definitely gave me some clarity on what I want my work life to look like after I leave Brown! I am still unsure of what I want to do but I know that I really enjoyed working in a supportive, forward driven, female-led office and I liked living in a walkable city where I could commute anywhere I needed to go quickly and easily. I'll definitely keep these principles in mind as I move forward and decide what to do and where to be next.

How did your host city impact your overall experience?
I loved being in DC! It's one of my new favorite cities, and I highly recommend it to anyone who is looking to live or even just visit. There's so much to do, especially on a student budget, and the public transit is fantastic. Living right downtown exposed me to so many different opportunities that I am very grateful for. 


Imani Stewart - BSIP in Dublin

Why did you choose to participate in a Brown Semester Internship Program?
I have always wanted the opportunity to see more of the world, and I was very curious about the experience of working outside of the United States. I am someone who is interested in living and working outside of the country, so the BSIP in Dublin was the perfect way for me to try this experience out without having to work at a firm for more than a semester.

What did you like most about your internship?
I thought they did a fabulous job pairing me with a person who was very compatible with my interests and ideology, Dr. Lucy Michael. I enjoyed working with her and seeing how she ran her own small business.

How did the experience shape what you have done since or will do next?
Having DEI experience specifically on my resume allowed me to more easily get an internship last summer doing similar work for a study abroad school in Greece, College Year in Athens. I hope to continue working with them and/or other schools in the future as they look to make informed decisions on how to establish themselves as schools that people of color feel comfortable traveling to and studying with.

How did your host city impact your overall experience?
I found Dublin to be really charming and surprisingly informative in my opinion of especially east coast American cities. There are a lot of Irish immigrants in the United States, but in learning more about Irish culture in Dublin, I could see more specifically how it had impacted American culture.

Imani Stewart - BSIP in Dublin,   Fall 2023

Imani Stewart 
BSIP in Dublin
Fall 2023

Catherine Kim (Left) BSIP Open Campus Spring 2024
Catherine Kim (Left)
BSIP Open Campus
Spring 2024

Catherine Kim - BSIP Open Campus
Why did you choose to participate in a Brown Semester Internship Program?
I chose to participate in the Open Campus program because I was striving for a type of growth -- professionally, academically, socially, and personally -- that a typical semester on campus could probably not nurture. Professionally, I wanted to gain the invaluable experience of working full-time at a tech-based company, one that prioritizes high-quality work, the development of technical abilities, and a healthy work-life balance. Academically, the Open Campus program would teach me the delicate skill of time management, balancing a full-time internship with a semester's worth of coursework. I was able to expand my social network, transforming professional relationships with my team members and fellow interns into endearing friendships I will carry forward. And finally, my personal growth was the one I was most excited for: embarking on exciting journeys in New York City, spending quality time with family, traveling to visit friends from the past, and fostering an interest in old and new hobbies.

What did you like most about your internship?
During my internship experience, I gained skills that Computer Science courses could not simply teach me. I learned the ins and outs of general open-source software tools, programming languages, container orchestration systems, and cloud infrastructures, while also broadening my knowledge on company-specific products and services. Beyond the technical, coding, debugging, and software development expertise my internship taught me, I adopted the invaluable skills of collaboration, seeking resources, asking questions, and becoming a trustworthy member of a team. Over the course of the internship, I enjoyed coming to understand the company's core business values, main priorities, and culture that drives its daily operations. Definitely, though, the most enjoyable part of my internship was the connection I felt to the members of my team. My team ate lunch together every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, having conversations about the most random things, purposely avoiding any work-related topics. My team has made me genuinely laugh and each member possessed a bit of general wisdom that I now possess as well.

How did the experience shape what you have done since or will do next?
Through this experience, I've been able to gain new experiences that I've always wanted to have for myself. Due to the flexibility I was fortunate enough to have during the semester, I was able to travel to places like the Bay area and Canada to visit some friends from the past. After the experience ended, I was able to travel abroad to Europe for a few weeks -- my first time ever in the continent. I explored over 9 cities in 4 countries, and I gained exposure to new cultures, cuisines, architectural sites, and histories. I even went paragliding in the Swiss Alps spontaneously; the decision was quite literally made half an hour before it happened. The travels I was able to embark on due to the experience were extremely enriching and fulfilling, and I'm grateful to now have these stories to tell.

How did your host city impact your overall experience?
I could not think of a better place to have had my Open Campus experience than in New York City. I had already lived in the city for a few months the summer prior, so I felt much more comfortable in the area, and did not feel rushed to achieve any "bucket list" items. There seems to always be something new to do in the city, and especially as a big foodie, always new restaurants and cafes to try. Over the semester, I had the opportunity to genuinely enjoy and explore New York City for the grand city that it is on my own time, while also enjoying the comforts of my home in Long Island.

Ellie Fuller - BSIP in Sydney

Why did you choose to participate in a Brown Semester Internship Program?
The program was a good opportunity to explore life outside of college and confirm my ideal career path. Doing so while abroad made me even more certain of the field that I intend to pursue.

What did you like most about your internship?
Most significantly, the internship provided me with a sneak peak into the career field I am currently studying in college, helping increase my confidence in my studies.

How did the experience shape what you have done since or will do next?
The internship experience provided me with a healthy work-life balance as it followed a strict schedule that didn't allow time for procrastination. Reflecting on the internship, I now value my time and work schedule much more.

How did your host city impact your overall experience?
It was amazing and I want to go back as soon as possible!!! I now have a better idea of what I am looking for in a future home and location.

Ellie Fuller & Koa Rulloda - BSIP in Sydney  Spring 2024
Ellie Fuller & Koa Rulloda
BSIP in Sydney 
Spring 2024

Coco Huang - Brown in Washington  Fall 2023
Coco Huang
Brown in Washington 
Fall 2023

Xuanjie (Coco) Huang - Brown in Washington

Why did you choose to participate in a Brown Semester Internship Program?
I am passionate about human rights and journalism, and I wanted to learn how international journalism is done.

What did you like most about your internship?
I loved connecting with both of my supervisors, who used to be war correspondents and witnessed important events in history. I was deeply inspired by their experiences and the journalistic spirit they uphold.

How did the experience shape what you have done since or will do next?
It gave me more certainty to go into journalism, but I realized after this internship that I will not do journalism funded by government or in a for-profit corporate, as I discovered that nonprofit independent journalism might be my specific interest. I also realized the complicated ethical considerations of advocacy journalism, so I am also considering moving on to direct activism or the humanitarian field - maybe after I have worked as a journalist for a few years.

How did your host city impact your overall experience?
The host city, Washington D.C., is full of people who are ambitious change makers, especially in the political field. It also features many historic monuments that allowed me to know more about U.S. history and U.S. politics as an international student.

You mentioned you completed this program as an international student. Do you have any advice for other international students who might want to follow in your footsteps?
1. Pay attention to visa and work authorization requirements. Make sure you're familiar with the process of applying for CPT/OPT and the associated deadlines to avoid possible delays or legal difficulties in starting the internship. 
2. Some organizations, especially federal government organizations, tend to have complicated security background processes before the internship begins, especially for international students. Be sure to communicate with the organization about these logistics because they can take a month!
3. Don't be afraid to communicate in a foreign or unfamiliar workplace. Be open-minded and ready to adapt to American work culture. It's completely fine to ask questions when you don't understand the instructions from your supervisor - being vulnerable and proactive helps the team get to know you better. 
4. Feel free to express yourself when it comes to political/cultural/international topics related to your home country - your perspective can add to the diverse dynamic of discussion.

Luis Gomez - BSIP in Berlin

Why did you choose to participate in a Brown Semester Internship Program?
I love experiential learning, taking leaps, and going way out of my comfort zone, and the description of this program made it seem as though this was thus something I needed to pursue. I've had a lot of fun exploring learning at a place like Brown, and I was happy to see that there was a program that would further facilitate my exploration of learning, personal development, and career options.

What did you like most about your internship?
I was fortunate to be matched with an internship that made me reflect on my career goals, as I loved the vision behind the start-up I was interning at. Although it comprised five people (including the two interns), I learned a lot from my supervisors, who were very kind and understanding of a busy undergraduate student's life. I learned first-hand about the operations of a sustainability-based start-up in a new culture, which I found to be an advantageous way of learning.

How did the experience shape what you have done since or will do next?
This experience helped me realize a few things I love: living and working abroad, exploring my identity through experiences beyond my comfort zone, and the fact that I would like to have a career that positively impacts the environment. It was so lovely getting to hear my supervisors' passion and desire to be a part of a movement that helps mitigate the pressures of climate change. I've adopted an infinite mindset as well, as I have come to an understanding that I can personally have an impact on this issue in many different ways (not just through a science-based start-up). I am planning on getting some sustainability-related experience right after Brown in preparation for a sustainability-based graduate program 2-3 years after I graduate (of which graduate school I had not even considered before the program).

How did your host city impact your overall experience?
Living in Berlin has got to be one of my most transformative experiences as an undergraduate student. I grew so much personally as I connected deeply with the culture and discovered many new ways of expressing my identity, which is essential when considering where to start a career. My Berlin experience made me reflect deeply on what I genuinely value and would want when considering where to go after Brown, as it made me understand that being somewhere that excites me energizes and motivates me to pursue ventures that I might not have pursued otherwise. I'm very fortunate to have connected with the city so well, and I can confidently say that it is now my favorite city worldwide.

Luis Gomez (center), Berlin cohort and alums
BSIP in Berlin
Fall 2023

Alvaro del Rey
BSIP in Sydney
Spring 2024

Alvaro del Rey - BSIP in Sydney

Why did you choose to participate in a Brown Semester Internship Program?
I wanted to take a break from Brown to ensure I made the most of it when coming back. My roommate told me about the program and I didn’t think twice! I always wanted to live in Sydney and I love surfing. Gaining internship experience for both my resume and personal development was one of the main factors.

What did you like most about your internship?
Feeling what is it to live in the real world. I learned many things about myself and practiced countless skills from cooking and cleaning to networking. How did the experience shape what you have done since or will do next?
I am now more confident in my ability to make friends and fit in. I have a greater sense of time after seeing how fast a semester can fly by, reminding me that I have to squeeze every experience to its most. I am also more appreciative of the academic opportunities and environment that Brown provides, as I now have seen that they won’t be offered again after college.

How did your host city impact your overall experience?
Being abroad during local summer was amazing. It pushed me to do more activities outside and discover Sydney. It was also a perfect environment for students, considering Sydney is very safe and full of young, healthy and sporty people. Being able to get into a ferry and go surfing after work was also one of the best things, and I wouldn’t have been able to do elsewhere. 

Adriel Fernandez - Brown in Washington

Why did you choose to participate in a Brown Semester Internship Program
I had chosen to participate in Brown in Washington because it was an opportunity for me to travel and be a part of a place in which policy and politics are such a central and integral place for the geographic location. I didn't think I would be chosen - but I am so happy to have applied and to have been a part of this amazing program!

What did you like most about your internship?
I worked at this organization called the International Center for Nonviolent Conflict (ICNC); it’s whole basis is to promote, fund, and research nonviolent tactics, ideas, and methods in the form of online and in person classes, events, and books. My favorite part of this internship was having my views of nonviolence change. I now view it in a much more meaningful and powerful manner.

How did the experience shape what you have done since or will do next?
I now have a greater insight into the field of policy and the career fields I can go into.  For instance, I hadn't really thought about the viability of being a part of think tanks or NGOs, and I also really fleshed out my thought process about whether or not I want to go into government.

How did your host city impact your overall experience?
Washington, D.C. is center of politics and policy, as well as food, and I enjoyed expanding both my mind and the diversity of food I have eaten. Furthermore, the public transportation was phenomenal. I will apply the idea I gained to many new places.

Adriel Fernandez
Brown in Washington
Spring 2024