Brown students have the chance to participate in several domestic exchange and cross-registration programs. Cross-registration programs run in conjunction with Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), Wheaton, and other schools in the greater Rhode Island area allow students to take courses in subjects unavailable at Brown. The Brown-Tougaloo Exchange program gives Brown students the chance to immerse themselves in the culture and academic life of another campus for a full term.
The College
U.S. Study Opportunities
Students at Brown have varied opportunities to study at other U.S. colleges and universities — both around the country and close to campus.
U.S. Study Opportunities
Students at Brown have varied opportunities to study at other U.S. colleges and universities — both around the country and close to campus.
The Brown Semester Internship Program combines a 12-14 week internship experience and academic coursework for the fall or spring semester. Students have the opportunity to gain direct experience in a dynamic field, immerse themselves in a new culture and community, and collaborate with fellow Brown students in small cohorts.
Founded in 1964, the Semester Exchange Progam offers undergraduates the opportunity to study at the partner institution for one semester. Since its inception over 300 students have taken advantage of this exchange program.
The Brown in Washington program offers students a semester in Washington, D.C. during their junior or senior year, where they intern with an agency in the public or nonprofit sector, and complete coursework and develop future opportunities.
Students currently enrolled in an undergraduate degree program at one of Rhode Island’s private institutions of higher education are eligible to enroll in foreign language courses at any of the consortium schools that are not offered at their home institution.
Brown's cross-registration agreement with RISD offers all Brown students the option of taking studio art courses at the renowned Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), adjacent to Brown on College Hill.
Wheaton College is a small liberal arts college located in Norton, Massachusetts, approximately 20 miles from Brown. A cross-registration agreement allows Brown students to take courses at Wheaton that may not be available at Brown, such as a greater array of courses in elementary and secondary education.
Brown offers undergraduate students the opportunity to apply for study elsewhere full-time (after a semester of study at Brown) and earn up to a semester’s equivalent of course credits and advanced standing when needed toward degree requirements.