The College

Types of Advising and Support

Whether planning coursework, pursuing campus resources to assist in a time of financial hardship, seeking help with a personal circumstance, or tackling an academic challenge, students have access to advisors who offer guidance tailored to their individual needs.

During the fall and spring semesters, students can schedule a meeting or attend drop-in hours to speak with an academic advising dean about academic issues.

During the summer, all questions for the academic advising deans can be directed to and an on-call dean will respond as soon as possible.

View advising and support programs tailored to each stage of your undergraduate years.
Financial Advising within the College is an initiative designed to provide dedicated support to Brown undergraduates who have little or no expected parent contribution and any student facing a financial hardship. Students may seek direct advising and programming around financial issues that may intersect with academic, social and personal concerns.
Brown’s commitment to a flexible, open curriculum invites students to tap into strong peer-advising networks. Our peer-advising programs are directly connected to the curriculum and involve the kind of student-to-student learning that is a hallmark of a Brown education.
International students at Brown can explore the Open Curriculum and post-Brown opportunities through dedicated advising and programs in the College.