The College
Financial Advising
The Emergency Funds, Curricular and Co-curricular Gap Funds are available to help income-eligible students with navigating unique circumstances related to life, work, academics, curricular and co-curricular opportunities and to cover related financial gaps. The E-Gap funds application can be found on UFunds. These funds are made available through the collaborative effort of multiple campus divisions.
The Book/Course Materials Support (BCMS) Program covers expenses for books and course materials that are required by instructors for all Brown University Scholarship-eligible undergraduate students. The cost of these required materials are covered by Brown.
The Financial Advising team is responsible for providing dedicated support to Brown undergraduates who have little or no expected parent contribution and any student facing a financial hardship. This support is provided through weekly financial advising appointments, targeted communications, and the processing of Emergency Gap applications.
In 2004, Mr. Sidney E. Frank '42 donated $100 million dollars to the University to support undergraduate financial aid. His gift—among the largest contributions in University history—established the Sidney E. Frank Scholarship, which funds tuition for approximately 130 undergraduate students.
Travel Pilot Program
The Travel Pilot Program directly purchases roundtrip airfare for eligible international students on F-1 visa from their legal country of permanent residency to Brown. For more information on the Travel Pilot and/or to confirm your eligibility, please contact