The College

International Student Advising

International students at Brown can explore the Open Curriculum and post-Brown opportunities through dedicated advising and programs in the College.

Our team is composed of professionals with years of experience working with international-identifying undergraduate students. Our expertise includes working with students to navigate U.S. academic and financial systems while holding an understanding and appreciation of the unique experiences and perspectives of our international community.

If you have any questions or want to schedule an appointment, contact to speak with an advisor.

What We Do

The international student advising team provides holistic academic and financial advising to all self-identified international undergraduate students through dedicated advising and programs in the College. We partner with our students directly and with our campus colleagues to support the overall academic and financial wellness of the international community at Brown.  In addition, we support the campus community in understanding topics pertinent to international undergraduate students.

Advising, support and programming topics may include the following:

  • Exploring the open curriculum and life after Brown from a global perspective
  • Integrated advising on academic, co-curricular, and career planning with the Office of International Student and Scholar Services
  • Cross-cultural dialogues, especially those intersecting with academic integrity, transitional adjustment and academic/career goal-setting
  • Academic planning and degree completion advising for F-1 and J-1 students 
  • Financial literacy and culturally-informed financial advising for international undergraduate students in the U.S.

Our team offers both proactive and reactive support for international students. Some of the topics we can cover in an academic advising session include:

  • Navigating the open curriculum, including understanding academic policies and procedures related to a student’s undergraduate education, especially those relevant to F-1/J-1 visa holders
  • Connect students with appropriate campus resources for F-1/J-1 international students
  • Sharpening study strategies and time, projects and course management
  • Independent study proposals for Non-Professional Track CPT
  • Course load reduction
  • Degree completion pathways
  • Leave-taking/leave-returning advising for F-1 or J-1 visa holder
  • Home country study away

Our team also offers the following academic programming initiatives:

Our team offers financial literacy and wellness advising for international students from the first semester until post-graduation planning. Some of the topics we can cover in a financial advising session include:

  • Understanding budgets, savings, credit cards in a U.S. context
  • Accessing and utilizing financial resources as a aided or unaided student from a cross cultural perspective
  • Navigating the U.S health insurance system, banking, and general academic and social expenses
  • Making travel arrangements with the Travel Pilot Program
  • Understanding the financial basics of living in the United States as a financially aided, scholarship recipient or non-aided student
  • Navigating U.S. higher education as an aided international student
  • Support initiatives for eligible, aided international students:
    • Travel pilot program
    • Linen support program
    • Summer and winter break on-campus housing and meal support
    • E-Gap funding

Our team may also offer the following financial programming initiatives:

  • Financial literacy initiative, including the following workshops:
    • Life Beyond Brown: Post-graduation Financial Planning for F-1/J-1 visa holder
    • Life at Brown with a Budget for F-1/J-1 visa holder
  • Financial cohort meetings for community conversation around proactive financial planning

Is there a topic that you would like our team to cover in a workshop? We welcome student feedback and ideas and opportunities to engage in dialogue about supporting international students from students, faculty, staff and student groups.

Connect With Us

All general inquiries should be sent directly to

For inquiries regarding the Travel Pilot Program, email

Our Staff

  • Emily Collins Garcia

    Emily Collins Garcia

    International Student Academic Advisor
    Areas of Expertise International Student Advising Programs and Support, Financial Advising
  • Chia-Ying Pan

    Chia-Ying Pan

    Associate Dean of the College for International Students
    Areas of Expertise Curricular Practical Training (International Students), Degree Completion, Financial Advising, Home Country Study Away, International Student Advising Programs and Support, Professional Track Double Concentrating, Transfer Credit for International Undergraduates (F-1 only)

More Advising Resources for International Students

Visa and Immigration Advising: Office of International Student and Scholar Services (OISSS)

Student eligibility for programs and resources may vary. To determine your eligibility, please contact respective program coordinators; if you’re unsure where to start, please contact