Faith Freeman
As Program Manager, Faith co-facilitates the CRC’s AcCESs/Academic Coaching Program and manages the center’s operations.
Prior to arriving at Brown, Faith was an Admissions Assistant for New York University’s School of Law. She ran the Campus Visitor Program for prospective students and managed a small team of current student Admissions Ambassadors. This past summer, Faith was a Program Assistant in Brown’s Pre-College Student Life area, where she planned two weekly workshops with her fellow Program Assistants on topics such as “Study Hacks for College” and “Students of Color Experience on A College Campus.” She also led weekly excursions and assisted in creating a welcoming, safe environment for all students and families. During Faith’s collegiate career, she was a Preceptor to First-Year students, advising them on their course selection and how to use their resources on campus. Faith was promoted to Peer Coach, where she provided in-depth academic advising to First and Second Year students. Faith also worked as an Early Arrival Assistant for the Intercultural Early Arrival program for incoming students of color. Also she served as a Writing Tutor.
Faith is a graduate of Wheaton College with a major in English and a minor in Psychology. She is a Posse Foundation Scholar from the Bronx, New York. Faith danced for four years in college and was a part of Weiss Women, a program dedicated to developing leadership skills for female-identifying students. In her senior year, Faith was awarded the Wheaton Lyons Pride Award by the Dean of Students, a distinction given to senior class members in recognition of their service/leadership and dedication to enhancing the Wheaton community.