The College

Sydney Skybetter

Deputy Dean of the College for Curriculum and Co-Curriculum


Sydney Skybetter is the Deputy Dean of the College for Curriculum and Co-Curriculum at Brown University. In this role, Sydney stewards the College’s policies and programs related to the undergraduate curriculum, including support for undergraduate concentrations. He is a liaison to faculty and staff in academic departments around curricular issues and, as a member of the College Curriculum Council, facilitates the review of new and existing undergraduate academic programs. Sydney manages the academic deans and professional staff who support the College’s curricular programs, including the Brown-RISD Dual Degree program and the Curricular Resource Center, as well as co-curricular programs for experiential learning, fellowships, pre-professional advising, and undergraduate research.

Sydney is a choreographer. Hailed by the Financial Times as “One of the world’s foremost thinkers on the intersection of dance and emerging technologies,” Sydney’s choreography has been performed at such venues as The Kennedy Center, Jacob’s Pillow and The Joyce Theater. A sought-after speaker, he has lectured at SXSW, Yale, Mozilla, and Stanford, and served as an advisor for The National Ballet of Canada, Bloomberg Philanthropies, Hasbro, New York University and The University of Southern California, among others. He is an affiliate of metaLAB at Harvard University and Dark Laboratory at Cornell University, as well as a regular contributor to WIRED and Dance Magazine. He has served as a Grant Panelist for the National Endowment of the Arts, is a founding member of the Guild of Future Architects, and is the Founder of the Conference for Research on Choreographic Interfaces.