Students with Conflicts Due to Religious Observance
During the Semester
Faculty should include instructions regarding their own policies on these matters in course syllabi. Students must inform instructors of any conflicts within the first four weeks of the semester, or as soon as possible after the exam date is announced. Students wishing to request flexibility from an instructor may find this sample template useful.
Examples of suitable arrangements for exams that conflict with a religious holiday may include:
- providing the opportunity for a makeup exam or an equivalent assignment;
- allowing extra-credit assignments to substitute for missed class work; and
- creating a course policy in which any student may choose to drop an exam or assignment score for any accepted reason, specifically including religious holiday observance as one of those reasons.
Alternate arrangements may vary by course depending upon factors such as the size of the class, nature of the course content, and mode of instruction.
During the Finals Period
As during the semester, students who cannot take a final exam on the scheduled date due to a religious observance must inform the instructors of any conflicts within the first four weeks of the term. In such cases, instructors are expected to offer a final exam on an alternate date within the same semester, noting the policy in the Faculty Rules that final examinations may be given only during the final examinations period.
If requested by the instructor, rescheduled exams for both undergraduate and graduate students may be administered and proctored by staff designated by the College. The College will notify the appropriate academic affairs Dean in the Graduate School about any situations involving a graduate student. Instructors should fill out this Exam Proctoring Request Form if a proctor is needed for rescheduled final exams for students with conflicts due to religious observance.