The College
CCC Policies, Guidelines and Reports
Guidelines and Policies
- Latest Guidelines for Course Proposals (rev. Spring 2024); Sheridan Sample Syllabi
- Guidelines for the Review of Fully Online Courses (as of May 2022)
- Guidance on Internship Credit and Compensation (as of March 2022)
- Guidelines for Setting Enrollment Limits
- Criteria for Writing-Designated (WRIT); Race, Power, and Privilege (RPP); Collaborative Research and Scholarship Experiences (COEX); and Community-Based Learning and Teaching (CBLR) Course Designations
- CCC and Grad Council Policies on Graduate Student Instructors
- Guidelines on Half-Credit Courses
- Guidance on Credit Hour Requirements for Brown University instructors
Academic Programs
Recent CCC Reports
- Report of the CCC Working Group on Diversity in the Undergraduate Curriculum (2021)
- A Review of Collaborative Teaching and Learning at Brown: Best Practices for Undergraduate Teaching Assistants (2021)
- CCC Guidelines on Grades Used for Determining Honors Eligibility (2020)
- Framework for Course Design and Award of Academic Credit for Internships (2018)
- Best Practices for Capstones in the Concentration (2018)
- Provost's Task Force on Diversity in the Curriculum (2016)
- CCC Guidelines for Honors in the Concentration (2013)